Food News: Our friends @ Ceru just their first permanent London site

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Followers of Tasting Britain may notice that we tend not to cover new restaurant openings – it is an impossible task in London, let alone the rest of the country. Still, we make an exception for our friends at Ceru, who just opened their first site in South Kensington, on Bute Street. 


So, why Ceru? Partly ‘cos the folks who run it are an extra nice small family business doing great stuff (husband and wide team Barry and Patricia Hilton). And partly because they do make a somewhat unusual blend of delicious food – in a style they call ‘Levantine’.

…Ceru who?

Originally started back in 2008, Ceru have carved out a name and a niche for themselves in this form of Eastern Mediterranean cuisine. This they have done through a series of popups all over London, and a busy catering business that has seen them feeding folks at various festivals and events all over the UK, including Glastonbury.

Their new menu features 100+ ingredients and 20 spices, and brings food from Turkey, Cyprus, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria all together.  We guess you could say that it’s a kind of very specific Mediterranean cuisine.


Other good stuff includes a predominantly Levantine wine list – with everything offered by the glass or 500ml carafe (so you don’t have to take a punt on a bottle you might not be keen on). They’ve also got their very own three-grain ale brewed by Hop Kettle Brewery


Try the signature Lamb Shoulder, slow roasted for five hours in a ‘secret blend of twelve shawarma’ spices (£10) – or their take on afternoon tea; ‘Afternoon Tea In The Levant’ – this is tea with a selection of open savoury sandwiches, scones with sweet labneh and homemade jam, a tartlet, cupcake and baklava. 

So, here’s to a glorious 2017 for Ceru (…and all of us!)

More Info

CERU, 7-9 Bute Street, London SW7 3EY

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