Product Review – Two Chicks Chirps Egg White Crisps

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Two Chicks Chirps Egg White Crisps
3 different flavours of egg white crisps

Say what?

So this sounds kind of odd, right? Crisps made of egg whites. I mean, actually, as someone on a perpetual crusade to eat more protein and less calories, they certainly sounded intriguing. Two Chicks’ egg whites are very popular for people wanting to avoid the additional calories found in yolks and are reputed to be excellent in meringues. 

Created from rice flour, egg whites and a bunch of different seasonings, these were conceived as a high protein solution to crisp cravings. They have the crunch of crisps but are much lower in fat and carbs.

But what do they taste like?

We were sent three different flavours: cream cheese and chive, salt and black pepper, and smokey jalapeno. 

The smokey jalapeno ones were probably my favourite, although the flavour was very intense on these ones. OR possibly because the flavour was so intense. I should possibly have preambled with the fact that I have an odd relationship with eggs. One minute I love them, the next only scrambled, mostly boiled and suddenly I hate them again. 

So I had some mental barriers to get over with this. Egg white crisps sounds odd, but high protein crisps has a more appealing ring to it. I’m a very cerebral person. I love word association, whilst at the same time, semantics, as Gil Scott Heron said, are always a bitch.

The salt and black pepper ones need no elaboration. The flavour did what it said on the tin, and did it well. There’s nothing better to eat with eggs than both salt and pepper anyway, so this is a good combo.

The sour cream and chive flavour were akin to Pringles of the same description, and yet creamy and sweet. Almost too much so for me. Less than half way through a packet of them I’ve had to give up. The ‘tache didn’t mind them though.

The verdict

These are a convenient, low carb, low fat alternative to crisps, which are high in flavour. For the right person, I’m sure these are the perfect solution to snacking, but sorry chicks, they’re just not for me.

That said, I’m keen to try Two Chicks Egg Whites in a tortilla because that’s my kind of eating.

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