Review – Enhance (for water)

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For people who love flavour but don’t want to compromise on calories, enhance is a little pocket sized addition that makes water, well enhanced! For someone like me, however, who thinks the only thing that should be added to water is ice and maybe a slice of cucumber, my natural scepticism had written off enhance before you could say hypocrite. (Naturally, it’s fine for water to be made into coffee, or wine or better gin, but hell! Don’t add anything else to it.) Sort of like detox water. But for me water water is detox water! 

That said, I decided to give enhancing my water a shot. Made from real fruit juice, with no artificial colours or flavours or added sugar, it’s not as if I was suddenly jacking up heroin, and what sold me on it is that for every bottle sold enhance will make a donation to the charity Just a Drop, which will provide a child in Africa with clean and safe drinking water for a month.

So, with sceptical claws gnarled ‘round my glass and a hangover that could’ve made Lloyd Christmas look elegant, I squirted some of the strawberry and kiwi flavour into my pint of water and thought of (Tasting) Britain.

Like a scene from Jaws
Swirling red mixes with the clear stuff

The sharp acidity was pretty reminiscent of an actual kiwi fruit, thought the flavour was a little synthetic. It did look really cool colouring the water, but I really am a pretty traditional water drinker; having never liked fizzy drinks or squash.

But I wanted to say thanks to the people at enhance who sent me these pocket sized flavour enhancer, and that’s when it dawned on me: SHOTS.

these add a nice touch to vodka
If water is detox enough on its own…


So, let’s be clear: these are made to go in water. And if you’re like the other 99% of people who don’t drink enough water, then the different flavours will likely encourage you to drink more. They fit in bags and even belts, so work well for taking to the gym.

But the hypocrite that I am, I’m happy to consume anything that goes against my ‘principles’ if it involves alcohol. And so, with glee, I squirted a shot of each flavour into vodka and knocked them back with ferocity.



Made my face look like a puckered squid
Lemon and lime was a strong flavour



The lemon and lime flavour is pretty potent and would have warranted a more fastidious dilution, should I not have had it after several strawberry and kiwi, three orange and passion fruit and one apple and blackcurrant shots.






Made pretty effective natural colour squirters
The unsuspecting ‘good for you’ droppers


Enhance the water? Yes it does. And, rather like Skittles Vodka, it also enhances a hangover with its saccharine-y sweetness. But they do donate to Just a Drop, and do exactly what they say on the tin, which is add flavour to what some people consider boring.

NB: The undiluted ones also makes excellent ‘paintball’ squirters. Which the ‘tache sadly discovered, after I’d consumed a few of the tasty vodka shots.



All four flavour combinations can be found on the enhance website, which states plans to introduce new flavours. You’ll start seeing them in stores as the year goes on.

More information

For more information on the Enhance range, please see

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